'My family and I feel so blessed to have received the help from the Filo Project. At times you can feel a little lost and overwhelmed when living with Alzheimer’s but they really have offered us the support we needed. Nanna got so much from her time in their care. For a “home bird” she loved her days out with her friends and built such a love for her hosts. I can’t thank them enough for every smile they put on her face and every new experience they gave her. Not only this but the respite they gave to my Aunt who cared for Nanna. The Filo Project made a tough time easier and helped my family more than I can say. We can’t thank and praise them enough.'
- Granddaughter of client
‘I know the project is having a positive effect on my Dad – it seems to be one of the rare things he can visualise in the future.’ - Son of client
'My heartfelt thanks for all you have done for my Mum and to support me over the past couple of years. Without it there’s absolutely no doubt she would not have been able to extend her independent lifestyle for as long as she has, and I know she’s really enjoyed being “out with her friends” whenever she’s been on her days away.' - Step-son of client
'I know that Filo is definitely working for mum and she is benefitting. Mum was smiling when she got out of the car and I haven’t seen her like that for ages. I am so pleased with how it’s going.' - Daughter of client
'The impact on my mum of the unique support that The Filo Project offers has been incredible. Although Mum is a hugely sociable, people-loving person, she can really struggle in group situations with strangers, feeling isolated and disengaged. The Filo’s nurturing approach with an intimate circle of regular companions is perfect for her; she’s really come out of her shell and you can see her old fun-loving self coming back! Prior to attending The Filo Project, my mum’s memory loss caused some really upsetting changes. The intensely fashion-conscious and creatively curious person I adored became dishevelled, distinterested and lost. Once we’d natter for hours; now she could barely hold a few minutes of conversation without lots of repetition, or remember old friends or what day it was.
Now, Mum always sounds lively and engaged on the phone: I can even chat happily for 10 minutes, with only a few repetitions. And what’s more, she’s becoming conscious of her appearance again, which was always so important to her.' - Daughter of client