Sally Potter
Recruitment Lead
I've been working at The Filo Project for almost 5 years now, wearing various hats. Now I'm the person you meet when you apply for a role as a host, and I manage recruitment across the organisation. I also have a role as Wellbeing Facilitator and Moving and Handling Lead. My first career was in the NHS as a radiographer. I work as a hypnotherapist alongside my Filo Project work.
I live on the edge of Dartmoor in south Devon with our 4 Springer Spaniels, 8 hens, two cats and two turtles. I have 3 grown-up children and a husband who cycles a lot. My happy places are outdoors, either on the beach or on the moors. My mottos for life are 'get outside' and 'be curious'. I love meeting people, learning new things and generally being busy.